Australia Migration Skills Assessment for Engineers | AECC
Australia Migration Skills
Assessment for Engineers

Learn everything you need to know about Australia Migration Skills
Assessment for Engineers and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.
Australia Migration Skills
Assessment for Engineers
Learn everything you need to know about Australia Migration Skills Assessment for Engineers and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.

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Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment – a crucial step for engineers planning to migrate to Australia. This blog aims to demystify the process, providing you with all the necessary information to navigate this assessment successfully.

What is the Engineering Australia Skills Assessment?

Engineering Australia's skills assessment involves their authorized team reviewing and confirming that your qualifications, work experience, and job responsibilities align with the Australian Government's standards for specific engineering occupations required for immigration. The outcome of your application will determine if your qualifications meet the criteria for the engineering profession in Australia.

Why Engineering Australia Skills assessment is required?

  1. Meet Requirements: Fulfill specific conditions before applying for an Australian Skilled Visa.
  2. Prove Professionalism: Demonstrate your genuine engineering skills and professionalism.
  3. Include Approval Letter: Attach your Engineering Australia approval letter to your visa application.
  4. Gain Extra Points: Depending on your engineering work experience, you may receive additional points.
  5. Follow Expert Advice: The Brilliant Migration Club advises maximizing points for post-qualification work experience to enhance your application.

Different Methods for Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment:

There are two ways to assess your skills as an engineer:

  1. Accredited Qualification Pathway
  2. Non-Accredited Qualification Pathway

Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment - Qualifications

Accredited Qualifications Pathways for Migration Skill Assessment

Non-Accredited Qualifications Pathway for Migration Skill Assessment

- Australian Qualifications

- Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

- Washington Accord Qualifications

- Sydney Accord Qualifications

- Dublin Accord Qualifications


Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment - Suitability Criteria

Suitability Criteria - Accredited Qualifications

Suitability Criteria - Non-Accredited Qualifications

Qualifications completed from signatory country or after accord status obtained

A competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is required for the assessment

Accredited Australian engineering qualification

Technical engineering knowledge demonstrated through CDR

Washington, Sydney, or Dublin Accord Qualifications

Personal info, preferred occupation, qualification info, skilled employment evidence

Specific criteria for each accord pathway

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) statement, carrier episodes, summary

Documents required for EA Skills Assessment

Documents required for EA Skills Assessment for Non-Accredited Qualifications

- Photo, Passport, CV, Name Change Evidence

- Photo, Passport, CV, Name Change Evidence, English Proficiency, Registration

- Qualification Documents (Degree & Transcript)

- Qualification Documents (Degree & Transcript), Employment Documents (if applicable)

- English Proficiency Test Result

- CPD Statement, Carrier Episodes, Summary Statement

- If non-English, submit original document & translation

- If non-English, submit original document & translation


How to Apply for Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Verify Your Qualifications:

Your qualification is key in selecting the right assessment pathway. This depends on:

  1. The country where you obtained it.
  2. The type of qualification.
  3. Its accreditation status.

Accredited qualifications are recognized under the Washington, Sydney, and Dublin Accords. Your qualification is recognized if:

  1. It was obtained in or after the year your country became a full Accord signatory.
  2. It's within the accredited period on your country's signatory website.
  3. It's fully accredited (provisional accreditation doesn't count).
2. Learn About the Four Categories of Engineering Occupations:

Engineers Australia identifies four categories for skilled migration: Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, Engineering Associate, and Engineering Manager. Depending on your qualifications and abilities, you'll be employed in one of these roles in Australia.

3. Select an Appropriate Assessment Pathway:

If your degree is recognised, you have four pathway choices for assessment: Australian, Washington, Dublin, or Sydney Accord. French degrees can use the Washington Accord. For Australian associate degrees in engineering, choose the Australian qualification pathway. If your degree isn't recognised, or it's provisionally accredited in Australia, opt for the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) pathway. This assesses your skills against global standards. Successful assessments will specify your engineering category and occupation in the outcome letter.

4. Get Your Application Ready:
  • Create an account on the EA portal and receive your account ID via email.
  • Log in using your account ID and select 'migration skills assessment' from the menu.
  • Choose your assessment pathway.
  • Upload all required documents.
  • Submit your application.
  • Await email confirmation of successful submission.
5. Proceed with Application Submission:
  • You'll be notified by email about your application's success.
  • y email about your application's success.
  • A successful application includes a migration skills assessment letter for migration use.
  • Verify your letter on the EA portal.
  • The letter has indefinite validity with Engineers Australia.
  • Check the Department of Home Affairs website for visa application validity.
  • Engineers Australia doesn't provide migration advice or award migration points.
  • For all migration or visa inquiries, contact the Department of Home Affairs.
6. Await Assessment Results:
  • You can ask for a review of your assessment result within three months of receiving it.
  • An independent assessor will conduct the review, and the outcome will be emailed to you, taking up to eight weeks.
  • If the review doesn't satisfy you, you can appeal within six months of the original decision, but only after an unsuccessful review.
  • Professional engineers will handle the appeal, and the result will be communicated via email.
  • Remember that the appeal decision is final.
  • Check the assessment fees and additional services page for review and appeal fees.

Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment - Fast Track Application

You can speed up your skill assessment with Engineers Australia by choosing the fast-track option when you submit your application. There is an additional fee to pay for this faster processing service.

Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment - Application Processing Time

Assessment Type

Standard Processing Time

Fast Track Processing Time

Competency Demonstration Report

About 12 Weeks

Around 20 Working Days

Accredited Australian Qualifications

Approximately 8 Weeks

Roughly 18 Working Days

Washington Accord Qualifications

Roughly 8 Weeks

Approximately 18 Working Days

Sydney Accord Qualifications

Approximately 8 Weeks

Roughly 18 Working Days

Dublin Accord Qualifications

About 8 Weeks

Approximately 18 Working Days


Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment - Fee Structure

Assessment Type

Fee (Excluding GST) AUD

Fee (Including GST) AUD

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Assessment

- Standard CDR



- CDR + Skilled Employment Assessment



- CDR + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



- CDR + Skilled Employment Assessment + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



Australian Accredited Engineering Qualification Assessment

- Australian Qualification



- Australian Qualification + Skilled Employment Assessment



- Australian Qualification + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



- Australian Qualification + Skilled Employment Assessment + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



International Accords Qualification Assessment


- Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord Qualification



- Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord Qualification + Skilled Employment Assessment



- Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord Qualification + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



- Washington/Sydney/Dublin Accord Qualification + Skilled Employment Assessment + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



Additional Assessment Services Fees

- Separate Skilled Employment Assessment



- Separate Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



- Separate Skilled Employment Assessment + Overseas Ph.D. Assessment



Administrative Fees

- Review Fee



- Appeal Fee



- Standard Administration Fee



- Fast Track Fee (Additional)



 Note: All fees are in Australian Dollars.

In conclusion, the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment is a critical step for engineers planning to move to Australia. Understanding the pathways, criteria, and fees is essential for a successful application. 

For more information and personalized guidance, please contact AECC today. Ensure a smooth transition with Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can choose the fast-track option for quicker processing, but there is an additional fee.

Turn your Study Abroad Dream to Degrees Abroad in Australia


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