Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024 | AECC
Australia’s New Migration Strategy
Action Plan 2024

Learn everything you need to know about Australian
New Migration Strategy and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.
Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024
Learn everything you need to know about Australian
New Migration Strategy and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.

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Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

The Australian government has introduced "Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024," featuring eight main steps and over 25 fresh policy pledges and areas for upcoming changes. This Migration Strategy aims to bring migration numbers almost back to what they were before the pandemic by the next financial year. It's designed to make sure the migration system is suitable for today's economic situation and prepared for the future.

Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024: Overview

The main goals of Australia's Migration Strategy include:

  1. Improving Australians' Quality of Life: The strategy aims to enhance productivity, address skill shortages, and boost exports to raise living standards across the country.
  2. Promoting Fairness at Work: It seeks to improve job conditions for all workers, ensuring fair wages and preventing the exploitation of migrant workers.
  3. Strengthening Community Bonds: By carefully planning how many people migrate to Australia, the strategy helps migrants settle into their new lives with opportunities for permanent residency and citizenship, thereby fostering stronger community ties.
  4. Enhancing International Ties: The strategy aims to deepen Australia's economic and social relationships with neighbouring countries and global partners.
  5. Improving the Migration Process: It focuses on making the migration system quicker, more efficient, and fairer for both migrants and employers.

Targeting Temporary Skilled Migration: Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

1. Increase TSMIT:
Raise the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold from $53,900 to $70,000.

  • Status: Existing commitment
  • Implementation: July 2023
2. Permanent Residence Pathway:
Provide a pathway to permanent residence for temporary skilled visa holders.

  • Status: Existing commitment
  • Implementation: November 2023
3. Skills in Demand Visa:
Develop a new visa with full mobility and clear pathways to permanent residence.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024
4. Specialist Skills Pathway:
Create a pathway to drive innovation and job creation.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024
5. Core Skills Pathway:
Develop a pathway to meet targeted workforce needs.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024
6. TSMIT Indexation:
Legislate income threshold indexation to maintain system integrity.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: 1 July 2024
7. Streamline Labour Market Testing (LMT):
Simplify LMT to reduce complexity.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2023 (Workforce Australia change)
8. LMT Validity:
Implement 4 to 6-month validity for LMT.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024
9. Skills Needs Identification:
Adopt a coordinated, evidence-based approach.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024
10. Service Level Agreement:
Establish best practices for processing times and a modernised accreditation pathway.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Mid to late 2024
11. Regulation for Lower Paid Workers:
Consider regulation for migration of lower paid workers with essential skills.
  • Status: Future reform
  • Consultation Start: Early to mid-2024

Reshaping Permanent Skilled Migration: Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

1. Reformed Points Test:
Explore a reformed test to better identify migrants for long-term prosperity.
  • Status: Future reform
  • Discussion Paper Release: Early 2024
2. Talent and Innovation Visa: Consider a new visa to drive growth in key sectors.
  • Status: Future reform
  • Consultation Start: Early to mid-2024

Strengthening International Education Integrity: Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

1. Integrity Measures:
Introduce measures to improve international education integrity.

  • Status: Existing commitment
  • Implementation: Ongoing
2. English Language Requirements:
Increase requirements to improve educational experience and reduce exploitation.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Early 2024
3. Visa Application Scrutiny:
Apply greater scrutiny to applications from high-risk providers.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2023 (Ministerial Direction)
4. Student Visa Integrity Unit:
Bolster the unit to reduce misuse of the student visa system.
  • Status: Implemented
  • Implementation: Late 2023
5. International Education Providers:
Strengthen requirements.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: 2024
6. Visa Hopping Restriction:
Restrict onshore visa hopping.

  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Early to mid-2024
7. Temporary Graduate Visas:
Strengthen and simplify.
  • Status: New Commitment
  • Implementation: Mid-2024
8. Support for International Students:
Support students and graduates to realise their potential.
  • Status: Future reform
  • Consultation Start: Early to mid-2024

Tackling Worker Exploitation: Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024

1. Legislation Against Exploitation:
Introduce legislation and penalties for unscrupulous employers.
  • Status: Existing commitment
  • Implementation: Mid-2024 (pending legislation)
2. Migrant Worker Protections:
Introduce protections against visa cancellation for exploited migrant workers.

  • Status: New commitment
  • Implementation: Mid-2024
3. Migration Agent Regulation:
Better regulate migration agents to prevent unscrupulous activity.
  • Status: Ongoing
4. Workplace Rights Education:
Help migrants understand their rights to reduce exploitation.

  • Status: Ongoing
5. Protection Visa Processing: Establish real-time priority processing.
  • Status: Implementation underway
6. Intelligence and Compliance:
Create a united capability in the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Status: Phased implementation ongoing
7. Public Register of Sponsors:
Develop a register for monitoring and oversight.
  • Status: New commitment
  • Implementation: Late 2024 (aligned with new Skills in Demand visa)
8. Sponsor Application Integrity: Strengthen integrity in the application process.
  • Status: Future reform
  • Consultation Start: Early to mid-2024
9. Post-Arrival Monitoring:
Improve monitoring and compliance, including through tax system coordination.
  • Status: Ongoing

In conclusion, "Australia’s New Migration Strategy Action Plan 2024" is preparing to make Australia a leading destination for skilled workers, filling critical job shortages and enhancing the overall migration system.

 For anyone looking for more information or help with these changes, AECC is here to assist. Stay updated and ready for the new opportunities that Australia’s migration strategy will bring.

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