Benefits of Australian PR
The melting pot down under, Australia is an exceptional country to settle down. Ranked by the United Nations as the second-best country in the world for its quality of life, Australia unceasingly attracts international skilled workers to migrate and to make their dreams realized.
If you are wondering how permanent residency in Australia can impact your life in Australia, we have listed down the privileges of permanent residents (PRs):
1. Right to live in Australia indefinitely
Being on a permanent resident visa entitles you to travel in and out of Australia for unlimited times. But do take note that your introductory PR visa is valid for a 5-year duration. Nevertheless, you are eligible to renew for this visa before its expiry date. Where you travel overseas and return to Australia after your permanent residency expired, you will need to obtain a five-year Resident Return Visa (RRV) to renew your permanent residence.
2. Full working rights
Once on PR status, you may choose any occupation that you are interested in and you are allowed to work with no restrictions. However, exceptions do apply for work types such as Public service or Armed forces. Only Australian citizens can apply for the jobs that fall under these two sectors.
3. Sponsoring family members
You may sponsor your family members for an acquisition of permanent residence but only after you met the residence and support assurance prerequisites.
4. Credit rating
Your credit rating as an Australian Permanent Resident will promptly rise enabling you to gain approval easier on personal loans, car loans, home loans, credit cards, and so on.
5. First Home Owner Grant
You will be eligible for the FHOG (First Home Owner Grant) worth $10,000 if you signed your contract on or after 1 July 2013 on your first house acquisition. Your new home can be an apartment, unit, house, townhouse, or similar which costs at $750,000 or less and it must be the first sale of the property as a residential address.
6. Access to student loans
The Higher Education Support Act 2003 dictates that Australian citizens and permanent visa holders are given the privilege of receiving assistance financially on their study through the Higher Education Loans Program (HELP). This is helpful for you if ever faced by financial crisis while you are studying.
7. Privilege for the children of PR
One of the greatest benefits of becoming a PR is felt when your children are born in Australia as they will be deemed automatically as Australian citizens by birth. In essence, they will be provided with utmost benefits in the field of education and health care.
8. Healthcare entitlement
An all-inclusive Medicare health coverage will be available for you as a PR which grants you cheaper health insurance, free treatment at public hospitals, and subsidized medicine.
9. Social security benefits
After two years of settling down in Australia as a permanent resident, a master program by Australia’s Social Security Department, widely known as Centrelink, will provide you social welfare aids associated with student, sickness, and unemployment which can be extended to your family.
10. Eligibility to apply for an Australian citizenship
Permanent residence acquired after 1 July 2007 may be qualified to apply for Australian citizenship if you have lived lawfully in Australia for at least 4 years and have lived in Australia for at least 12 months as a permanent resident.
We at AECC Global are committed to helping create your personalised pathway to success in your chosen career in Australia. Consult our experienced and highly qualified Migration agents to guide you through the steps on how to obtain the permanent residency status in Australia.