Claiming Points for Work Experience
Claiming Points for Work Experience
Learn everything you need to know about Claiming Points for Work
Experience and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.
Claiming Points for Work Experience
Learn everything you need to know about Claiming Points for Work Experience
 and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.

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Claiming Points For Work Experience

Are you wondering how to make your work experience count towards your Australian visa application? "Claiming points for work experience" is a crucial step for many individuals looking to migrate to Australia under various skilled visa categories. In this blog, we'll guide you through the process, ensuring you understand how to maximise your points and enhance your chances of success.

Understanding the Points System - Claiming Points For Work Experience

Australia's skilled migration program uses a points-based system to assess the eligibility of applicants. Points are awarded for various factors, including age, English language proficiency, educational qualifications, and, importantly, work experience. But how exactly can you claim points for your work experience, and what are the requirements?

Eligibility for Claiming Work Experience Points

To claim points for work experience, you must first ensure that your occupation is listed on Australia's skilled occupation list. Your work experience should be relevant to your nominated occupation and must meet the Australian standards for skilled employment. Understanding how to claim 5 points for work experience in Australia requires knowing that your Australian skilled employment is pertinent and aligns with the required qualifications.

How Many Points Can You Claim?

The number of points you can claim depends on the length of your skilled employment:

  • 3 to 5 years of experience: You can claim 5 points.
  • 5 to 8 years of experience: This can earn you 10 points.
  • Over 8 years of experience: You're eligible to claim 15 points.

Australian vs Overseas Work Experience

Both Australian and overseas work experience can earn you points, but the criteria differ slightly:

  • Australian work experience is highly valued, with additional points available for those who have worked in Australia in their nominated occupation or a closely related field. This is where understanding the nuances of skilled employment in Australia becomes crucial.
  • Overseas work experience also earns points, but you'll need to demonstrate that your experience is relevant and meets the skill level required for your nominated occupation, highlighting the importance of skilled employment regardless of location

Documenting Your Work Experience

Proper documentation is key to successfully claiming points for work experience. You'll need to provide:

  • Employment references detailing your role, duties, and the duration of your employment, serving as proof of employment.
  • Payslips, tax returns, or other official documents to prove your employment period.
  • A positive skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for your occupation, essential for how to prove work experience for Australian immigration.

Tips for Maximising Your Points

  • Ensure your experience is relevant: Only skilled work experience related to your nominated occupation counts towards your points.
  • Gather comprehensive documentation: The more evidence you can provide of your skilled employment, the smoother the process will be.
  • Consider Australian work experience: If possible, gaining work experience in Australia can significantly boost your points.

When Can a Job Be Considered Skilled?

When deciding if a job counts as skilled for earning points towards an Australian visa, here's what gets looked at:

  • What the official job skills checker says about how long you've been working in your skilled job, including when they think you first became skilled.
  • The official job list for Australia and New Zealand, which includes any qualifications or work experience you need.
  • Any other useful info like job records and references.

If the job skills checker thinks you should get fewer points than you said in your visa application, the visa office will usually check the official job list to decide when your job was skilled enough.

The visa office needs to be sure your job documents are real and consider the job skills checker's opinion.

You just need to have worked for a certain time in a job that needs skills. It doesn't say you need to be super skilled the whole time. For example, if you're applying as a carpenter, they'll see if you're doing at least some of the carpenter tasks listed in the official job list.


How Work Experience in Australia and Other Countries Affects Points

Getting points for skilled work experience shows that having a good amount of work experience in a skilled job helps you do well in the job market. You can get points for skilled work you did in Australia or other countries in the last ten years before you applied for this visa.

Having direct work experience in Australia helps migrants settle into the Australian job market and life, so you get more points for Australian work experience.

It's okay if your skilled work experience wasn't all in one go. So, if you had breaks for other jobs or studies, you could still get points.

For instance, if you're an accountant and worked as one for 2 years, then studied for 2 years, worked as an IT consultant for 2 years, and then worked as an accountant again for 3 years, you could get points for 5 years of work as an accountant (as long as this was all in the last ten years before you applied for the visa).

You can also get points if you have skilled work experience both in Australia and other countries.

For example, if you worked as a nurse overseas for 5 years and then in Australia for 3 years, you can get points for both if you apply for a skilled migration visa.

But, you can't mix and match short periods of work from Australia and other countries to claim more Australian work experience points.


What Counts as Being Employed?

Being "employed" means you're getting paid for working at least 20 hours a week.

Getting Paid for Work

You must be paid for your work to get points. Just feeling good about your work or getting unpaid experience doesn't count. Also, getting just a small allowance or scholarship doesn't count as being paid, reinforcing the need for tangible proof of employment.

You need to work at least 20 hours each week. But, if your job has you working different hours each week, like shift work, that can still count.

You might need to show a lot of proof about your job and how much you got paid.


Time Off Work

Only time off where you still got paid counts as work time. So, if you took a long break without pay (like maternity or paternity leave), it doesn't count as work time.
Maximising your points through "Claiming Points For Work Experience" is a vital step towards achieving your Australian migration goals. With the right approach and documentation, your journey can be smoother and more successful. Remember, every piece of your work history counts, from Australian roles to international positions.

For personalised advice and further details on making the most of your skilled employment, contact AECC. Let's ensure your work experience propels you towards your Australian dream.

Turn your Study Abroad Dream to Degrees Abroad in Australia


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