PTE Result & Scores
PTE Score Chart
85 and above | Can easily read and comprehend. Understands spoken English well. Can summarise information from various audio and written sources. Can articulate oneself coherently. Can converse with clarity in complex situations. |
Between 76 and 84 | Can understand a variety of complex texts with implicit meaning. They are able to express themselves without difficulty. Can effectively communicate for social, academic, and professional purposes. |
Between 59 and 75 | Can understand the main ideas of a complex text. Can communicate fluently and spontaneously without difficulty. |
Between 51 and 58 | Can communicate with an adequate command of the language but makes numerous errors. Understands standard spoken language with ease. Can confidently share factual information about everyday matters. Can understand the majority of the information from recorded and broadcast sources. |
Between 43 and 50 | Can understand the standard language used at work, school, and in leisure activities, for example. Can deal with common situations that may arise in locations where the language is spoken. |
Between 30 and 42 | Can understand phrases and commonly used expressions related to personal information, shopping, local geography, and employment. Can communicate their personal background and immediate surroundings in simple terms. |
Between 10 and 29 | Understands basic everyday phrases and expressions. Can introduce himself/herself and pose simple questions to others. Can interact with others. |
PTE Band score
The PTE score is generated by a computer. There are two types of scoring:
- Partial Credit
- Correct or incorrect
Partial Credit: All correct answers receive partial credit. Points will be deducted from the points earned for correct answers for all incorrect answers. For incorrect answers, no points are awarded.
Correct or incorrect: For each correct response, the candidate will receive one point. There will be no points awarded for incorrect answers.
Calculate Your PTE Score: The candidate's overall score will be calculated based on their performance in all sections. PTE score calculators use the sum and average to calculate the overall score. Communicative Skills and Enabling Scores are two important components of the PTE score.
PTE Communicative Skills Score: This category's score includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The skill has a score range of 10 to 90 points.
PTE Enabling Skills Score: Grammar, spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, oral fluency, and written discourse are all part of the PTE Enabling Skills Score. The enabling skill score ranges from 10 to 90 points.
For the overall PTE score, add all Enabling Skills scores and divide the total by 6. This, along with the four communicative skill scores, is averaged. The overall PTE score is calculated by taking the average of these five parts.
PTE Result
How do I check my PTE score?
The PTE results will be available within 5 business days of the test date. PTE exam results can be accessed online by candidates. Candidates will be notified via email once the results are available. They can access their PTE Academic student account after receiving this email. The PTE exam certificate is valid for two years from the date of the exam. Students who wish to demonstrate their eligibility after two years must retake the exam.